The Heartfulness Learning Centre

Why we Exist?


Education to create a harmonious society of heart-centered individuals
realizing their full potential and radiating love.

● This is not just another school

● We exist to serve as a role model for creating a new society

● We chose the word ‘realizing’ (finding oneself from within) over ‘attaining’ (getting . something from outside).

What we will deliver to fulfil the purpose?


Nurture children to become balanced, inspired and develop the right attitude
with the loving guidance of enthusiastic (passionate), sensitive and heart-centred teachers.

● Teacher development is as important to fulfil the purpose of THLC as are students

● Each of these words have some relevance to them

Students :

● Balanced: Integrated human beings (attentive to body, mind, soul), Self-Aware, Moderate in temperament.

● Inspired: Enthusiastic, Creative, Open Minded

● Right Attitude: Diligent, Aspiring, Honest, Heartful ( Joyous empathetic, compassionate and interacts/communicates with respect)

Teachers :

● Enthusiastic(Passionate): Open to Learn(students themselves!), Lively, Teach with the whole being

● Sensitive: Accept, connect with and revere each child, Demonstrate responsibility

● Heart-Centred: Authentic (honest and pure), Connect to Source and Children, Transmit Love

The Spirit we carry and embody


Excel to Serve

● Excellence: In every little thing anyone associated with the school does (e.g., students, teachers, staff, advisors, parents), we shall inspire and commit to bring out the best within us. We will value quality and sincerity of efforts.

● Serve: Our pursuit of excellence is inspired by the aspiration to serve humanity and not for mere personal benefit