This program is for students in Grade 1 to 9. The framework for the ‘ The Heartfulness Way Education’ program is provided by the ‘Core Human Values’ outlined by UNESCOin the 2002 sourcebook,’ Learning to Be – a Holistic and Integrated Approach to Value Education for Human Development’. It is based on the principle that, “In order to learn to live together in peace, we must first find peace within ourselves”.
The nine values advocated by the International Commission on Education for the 21st century are:
? Health
? Love and Compassion
? Truth and Wisdom
? Sustainable Human Development
? Peace and Justice
? Global Unity
? Creativity and Appreciation
? Harmony with Nature
? Global Spirituality
It is a carefully-designed, age-appropriate and activity-based spiral curriculum with clear objectives for each value and year group.
This curriculum has been developed by an international team of developers from India, Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand, comprising of school teachers, university lecturers, occupational therapists, counsellors, Ph.D graduates in education and experienced facilitators.
This will be the most important part of the curricula as it aims at holistic development which incorporates IQ + EQ + SQ.